New Zealand Broadcasting School
© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025

The Kite Program

Maddi Burtt
Vicky Duff
Bella Holt
Daniel Perese
Luca Tautari
Ruby Turnbull
Sam Weir
Theo Wilson
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The Kite Program  Hannah Hardy-Jones

The purpose of this project is to create content for The Kite Program, to engage with charities/foundations and create social media content to engage with a large online audience.

The Kite Program is a digital platform created to improve the well-being and mental health of its users. Users move through the app one day at a time. Each day takes no more than 5 minutes. Each day contains a practical activity. Something to implement and assess whether it works in the users day to day work or home life.

A point of difference about The Kite Program is its subtleness. It is very easy to get overwhelmed when seeking help or getting help from others, however, the Kite Program is here to help those at their own pace with no forced forms or activities to complete.

The majority of past clients over the past two years for The Kite Program have been heavily corporate-based. The Kite Program would like to transition the business to focus on foundations and charities, as well as those who fall underneath the specific charities and foundations that cater to them.

The Kite Program have insufficient content they can present to these foundations to help encourage collaboration. This collaboration could lead to the improvement of people's lives supported with a lower cost and a successful app

This video focuses on what The Kite Program is. The app has multiple ins and out, so this explanation from the creator will give people a better insight into what it is.
This video focuses on why The Kite Program was started, and what influenced Hannah to create it. It looks at Hannah’s aim of the app, and where she would like to see it go.
This video is all about the difference between The Kite program and different mental health apps. It looks into The Kite Program, and how it has a uniqueness in the market - especially how it targets niche personal struggles.

Tutorial | The Kite Program

Audio Series Part 1 - Renee

The first part of the audio series highlights Renee's story. She and her husband Cody are parents to two boys, Cooper (age 9) and Beau (age 6). Kite for Mums has been of huge support to Renee. She has faced her own challenges throughout motherhood, along with the unexpected turn of Beau being diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 2 1/2. Her three-part story explores her journey, the challenges faced as a mother with a young child diagnosed with diabetes and how The Kite Program has helped her along the way. 

Audio Series Part 2 - Kite Guide

The Kite Guide is a chance for users of The Kite Program, or people who are wanting to get involved in the kite program, to engage with a few short tutorial clips. The content is aimed to be a guiding tool, and show people how they would perform a kite. We wanted to show people how easy it is to do a kite, and how accessible it is for people. This can be used as an interactive tool, for people who want to feel like there’s someone doing the exercises with them.

Audio Series Part 3 - Meg

The third part of the audio series dives into the story of Meg Niels, a student wellbeing advisor at Ara Institute of Canterbury. She has been on a recovery journey for almost the past 10 years after being diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa at the age of 16. She talks about the help she received and the help she wished she got while on the recovery journey, such as the Kite app. She is very knowledgeable on what it is and how it could potentially help students in the future if needed. Explored are the conversations she’s had with Hannah (creator of the app) and how from a personal and professional point of view.

To support the audio series, a collection of 9 Instagram posts was made which follows the same simple yet beautiful aesthetic as seen on The Kite Program Instagram.

Click here to view the Instagram Posts

This video explores Renee’s story further. We captured Renee in her home environment where she unpacks her struggles faced as a mother, along with the extra stress of keeping on top of Beau’s diabetes.
This video explores Meg’s story further, which delves into her mental health journey and her perspective of The Kite Program as a well-being advisor. She highlights the positive ways in which The Kite Program has the potential to benefit others with its s
Publicity by Daniel Perese
Final Media Plan by Isabella Holt