New Zealand Broadcasting School
© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025

GirlPowered NZ

Eve Abernethy
Mitchell Farr
Tommy Flavill
Angus Gardner
Tayla Millar
Angelo Sales
Danielle Smith
Victoria Stevens
Emily Twohig
GirlPowered NZ

The purpose of this campaign was to bring awareness to the GirlPowered NZ brand and give it content for social media and marketing.

GirlPowered NZ is a sub-brand of GirlGuiding NZ that began in 2019. It holds one-off events for girls aged 5-17, covering topics like STEM, edible science, Yoga and physical activities. The event planning happens in Christchurch but GirlPowered NZ hosts events in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. It hopes to expand to more cities and towns in the future. 

When talking to our clients Sneha Pardeshi and Angel Fulljames, they outlined that the key issues are: 

1. GirlPowered NZ has zero marketing budget, they haven't been able to put the word out on paid advertising platforms.

2. All its promotional work is on socials, and it hasn’t been able to build the brand recognition or following it wants to. This is partially due to the Instagram password being lost for 30 weeks

3. The public does not know GirlPowered NZ events can be attended by any young girl - they don’t need to be signed up for GirlGuiding NZ. This has meant there have been limited numbers of new girls attending these events.

They wanted to create content that appeals to the parents (age 30-45) using Facebook and Instagram to reach them. The content also had to appeal to the children, if a parent was to show their child promotional material we needed to ensure it looked good to the girls as well. 

This campaign has been created to give GirlPowered NZ brand awareness and a suite of content to use on its social media platforms to create traction. 

Audio Content

The client expressed they wanted a lot of video content and not much audio. To show the client that audio is a useful tool, we made four radio ads and two versatile pieces of audio. The target audience could scan a QR code on a poster and be led to the longer audio or it could be edited into videos as a voiceover. 

QR Audio Pieces

The first piece is a rhyming poem, to give an engaging explanation of what GirlPowered NZ is all about. 

The second piece is specifically to target potential volunteers, the client highlighted a lack of volunteers for both GirlPowered NZ and GirlGuiding NZ. 


QR Audio - General Information
QR Audio - Volunteers

Radio Advertisements

We also provided our client with four radio ads. To make them timeless, we focused on four key aspects of the GirlPowered NZ brand and each ad was based on a different word. The four ads are about Education, Friendship, Communities and Confidence. 

Radio Ad - Education
Radio Ad - Friendship
Radio Ad - Community
Radio Ad - Confidence

Video Content

To appeal to our target audience we made three types of videos for our client.

We firstly made a series of social experiment/challenge videos - where parents faced off against their daughters in a STEM trivia, Yoga and rock climbing. 

Our client expressed they would like shorter versions of these videos so they have more choice. The most entertaining aspects of these videos were made into shorter pieces. 

The second type of video is a look back at the yoga and mindfulness event, Flow & Grow. This was the only event we could attend in the time frame of the project - so we made a promotional video for GirlPowered NZ using footage from the day. We used this to highlight some great parts of the event and to get people interested in what GirlPowered NZ does. 

The third type of video is about volunteers. The aim of these videos is to show parents the fantastic care their children are receiving at GirlPowered NZ events and to show volunteers that it's a great place to lend a hand. 


Social Experiment/Challenge Videos

Flow & Grow Event Video

Volunteer Videos

Campaign Images

GirlPowered NZ expressed a lack of campaign images on file for use on social media and the website. We took stills during the filming of the Flow & Grow event and also staged another shoot with two girls doing science experiments and crafts. The client asked for 10 strong photos so we have provided 10 photos from both occasions so they have plenty of options. 

QR Posters

The size of these posters has been changed to fit on the NZBS website. These are two QR posters we created, one is advertising an upcoming event and the other is advertising volunteer opportunities. 

Final Presentation

Because of lockdown, we recorded our presentation when we were able to return to campus in level 2. 


Media Plan

GirlPowered NZ Media Plan by Victoria Stevens