New Zealand Broadcasting School
© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024
Ryan Bishop

Phone: 0270027500


Drivers license: Full

Hello there!

My name's Ryan Bishop, the past two years at the New Zealand Broadcasting School has been an absolute blast! This year i'm majoring in Promotions and Voice. I was also fortunate enough to be appointed Promotions Manager for Tracks 96.1

I have been working in promotions since February 2018 at MediaWorks Canterbury and was lucky enough to be promoted to Team Leader promotions assistant in June of 2019.

Covid-19 has been a challenging year for everyone and especially radio promotions. Thats why I took on the task for my 700 project to create and design four promotions for Tracks 96.1 that would work under every Covid-19 alert level. Doing this has prepared me and the station for any curve ball Covid-19 may throw at us. 

I would describe myself as dedicated, hardworking, organised and a problem solver. If I was sorted into a house at Hogwarts I would be sorted into Slytherin because i'm ambitious, a strong leader, and achievement-oriented. I swear i'm not evil. 
