New Zealand Broadcasting School
© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025
Luke Robertson

Drivers Licence - Full

Kia Ora!

I'm Luke Robertson; I was the host of 'Night Club' the 6-8 pm night show on Rewind 96 1.

I also had the privilege of acting as 'Production Manager' for the duration of the station. 

I originally applied for this course to achieve an on-air position, one that I believe I would be quite well suited for. However, after being exposed to so many different elements of a radio station, I also fell In love with Production. 

Production has turned out to be a real highlight for me, as I believe it emphasises my strengths; being able to focus on a task and gaining a greater mastery and understanding of what I am doing. Being production manager has allowed me to sharpen my ability to lead and communicate instructions to a team. Acting as production manager was truly an awesome experience; I've learnt more and more skills about organising and running the beast that is production.

I've loved having my own on-air show ‘Night Club’, which ran from 6-8pm the first week I was on-air, then changed to 6-7pm, with the incorporation of the 'Night Ground Under Club' where I merged with Mike's Underground for an hour. Being on-air was a lot of fun and gave me great insight into the amount of work that goes into making sure a show is fun and functioning as a well-oiled machine.

To come to this course, I had to move away from home to a place I’d never been before, with very few contacts that I knew. This meant that I pushed myself to dive as deep as I could into the course and I feel I have done that justice.

I've enjoyed being able to talk about my experiences with family and friends when I've travelled back home, as it makes me feel I'm already making my mark in the industry.


Luke Robertson                                                                                                                                      

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