New Zealand Broadcasting School
© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025

How our Professional Placement programme works

New Zealand Broadcasting School students are highly sought after in the industry.

What are the benefits for you?

  • Maximum potential - a no-risk opportunity for you to sample the latest crop of highly talented, motivated, and hard-working students.
  • Low costs - you do not need to employ.  Instead, you may choose to assist the student with an education bursary. It is voluntary and the amount may vary, but we invite you to consider offering $475 per week as a fair and reasonable minimum bursary payment.    
  • NZBS students have substantial skills and knowledge. They are eager, bursting with enthusiasm, hungry for learning and committed to the industry.
  • Limited commitment – assuming 40 hours/week the student may be with you for up to 24 weeks (in order to complete the required number of hours). Students may be able to accept shorter placements by negotiation.
  • You may employ the student, but it is not a requirement.
  • The Professional Placement is usually the last course in our degree programme so students are free to consider employment opportunities as soon as it is concluded.
  • NB: The Provider may, at any time, offer fulltime employment to the student. If this happens, then the Education Bursary payment will cease. In this instance, the NZBS and Provider would continue to support the student with course related work so that they could still complete the course work to complete the degree.

What does the student get?

  • An opportunity to gain further experience and knowledge over an extended period in a real industry environment.
  • The opportunity to learn from skilled industry practitioners.
  • A chance to prove themselves - to show you that they are valuable and worth keeping.

 What do we ask NZBS Placement Providers to do?

  • We invite you to support the students with a weekly Education Bursary payment [if you are not employing] to assist the student with study costs. IRD recognises this bursary as tax exempt provided it is not a wage or salary and is not a condition of employment or part of any employment contract or contract for service.
  • Ensure the student receives on-the-job learning opportunities and exposure to top industry professionals.
  • Assess the student’s performance and act as a mentor to help them appreciate what it takes to succeed in your industry.
  • Allow the students some time off (no more than 5 days during the period of the placement) to undertake other course-related work, if required.
  • As a Provider, ARA does expect that you support the student with an induction on the first day of the placement. Induction includes health and safety matters, applicable policies, and procedures.
  • This also means you meet the obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and Children’s Act 2014 and will provide a safe working environment for the student during the placement.

Once you have identified the student you wish to host and have had your offer accepted verbally, we will draw up a formal Placement Agreement covering:

  • The role
  • The agreed start and end date
  • The amount of the bursary (assuming you are not employing the student)
  • The number of hours per week (on average) the student will be contributing
  • The name, role and contact details (phone and email) of your nominated supervisor who will guide and mentor the student, and report back to us on progress

 How does the New Zealand Broadcasting School benefit?

  • We obtain wide exposure to the industry.
  • We get a second opinion on students' performance through a workplace integrated learning process and the associated assessment.
  • We maintain important cooperative links with the media industry.

Click here to view our professional placement profiles. Contact us at any time if you would like more information.